Educated and conscious womanThe role of both men and women is important for the survival and development of any society. It is said that a woman's hand is behind every man's work. Women are said to be half better than men and any society can develop only if this better half is adorned with the adornment of education so that they can use their talents and abilities in various spheres of life and individual and collective development. And play your part for happiness.

Without education and training, this half of society will be deprived of better thinking and awareness, and the dream of positive change in society will not be embarrassing. If we take a look at the various spheres of life, we will find that women dominate certain spheres to such an extent that undermining their importance in any form deprives the generation that grows in a woman's lap of tact and self-confidence. Will go That is why the fact has been acknowledged that educating a woman is tantamount to improving the family. A woman is not an individual but a school that actually enlightens society with its initial organizational essence.
A woman is also a Nazim and can be a Mujahid and there are many examples of this in Islamic history. In the same way, behind the development and revolutionary changes at the collective level in different nations of the world, not only has woman been present in one way or another, but she has also demonstrated leadership skills on many fronts. From the home to the battlefield, from education to the court, from the Christian in the hospital to the inventions in the field of science, history is adorned with its characters and deeds. Even today, if an educated and conscious mother has the education and training of her children, especially a girl, she can go ahead and become a useful and civilized citizen as well as play her role for the development and prosperity of the nation.
Circumstances never remain the same, not necessarily the future of a girl is secured by marrying into a very high, eating family. This is a common thought, but if the situation changes, how long does it take to get from the throne to the floor? In such a situation, an educated girl and a confident girl can certainly cope with the situation and support herself and her family. She can get a respectable job based on her degrees and qualifications, while the confidence that comes from good training and education from her mother will keep her strong and strong. On the contrary, an illiterate girl will be terrified of such a fall and will be unable to support her family.
This series of women's education cannot be limited to just getting degrees in a few traditional subjects, but they can also learn a skill and meet their financial needs at home.
In our society, the thinking of some educated families has not changed and they are against higher education for girls. He thinks that girls should not be given jobs or their earnings, because they are 'proud'. In this age, these things are not only strange but also sad. Do you want your daughter to stay in your house and always reach out to you for her needs and the rest of her life to her husband?
No question of earning or job here! The question is to put them on their feet with full confidence.
Are women born just to make a pot and serve everyone? It is true that a woman takes care of the house and the stove, but that does not mean that she has only one purpose in life and that she does nothing else. If he is mentally and physically capable of fulfilling his domestic responsibilities and doing something for his needs, according to his inclinations and educational qualifications, then where is the wisdom to bind him. The majority of our country is middle class or poor and lacks basic amenities while inflation is rising day by day. Also keep in mind that if for some reason a woman loses the shadow of her father or the companionship of her husband, she can support herself and her children. If she is sensible and educated, she will be able to meet her needs on her own instead of looking at her brothers or in-laws.
Remember! The daughter of a nation adorned with the ornament of knowledge will never go to the door of selflessness with a kashkool.
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